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Take the quizzes and create your own for your teammates to pass. Add questions, invite members and editors for effective collaboration.

Updated over 3 months ago

A Quiz is a quick test survey on a certain topic to test knowledge or can be used to collect data, and certain information from users.

The employees may take the test tasks and quizzes that are available for them and create their own according to role permissions.

Passing the Quiz

To pass the quiz, you need to go to the Materials for Passing - Quizzes section in your workspace and you will see available tests for passing:

Find a Quiz required to pass and click on "Start Quiz" or "Continue Quiz" to start:

While passing it, choose the options and move further with the "Next question" button:

When the Quiz is complete, you will see the "Quiz Finished" notification and buttons to return to the workspace or the quizzes list:

How to create a new Quiz?

You can create and edit the quizzes on your own as well.

1) Click on the menu on the left "Add module" - "Quiz"

2) Enter the quiz's name and click "Add"; it will appear in the menu on the left. We can see it as a draft here, and you can move the switcher rights to publish it.

3) Add a cover and write the first question in a field you see:

Creating Questions

We can add as many questions and options as needed, just click on the button "+ Add question":

Add options for answers, tick the correct answer on the right. If there are several correct answers, you can tick several options:

Adding Answers

Adding answer options works in the same way, you just add the necessary amount of answers to pick up:

While adding questions and answers, there is a comfortable menu for you to work with:

You can move the answer variants in the right order with the help of drag and drop dots menu:

You can upload an image to the question:

Also, you can duplicate the question with all options, if needed:

You can hide some questions:

And you can remove them:

Quiz Editor

You can copy and paste the content for the quiz from the clipboard or type it on your own and use our Editor.

You may use such options:

  • Make the Heading;

  • Make the text bold/italic;

  • Make the blockquote;

  • Insert some blocks of code

  • Make the bullet/ordered lists

The Quiz Settings

Top menu

On the top menu of the quiz created you see:

  • the button "Publish/make as draft" - if the quiz is not published yet, you can publish it just from here.

  • the avatars of quiz members: to check who takes part in this quiz

  • the button to save to Favorites: to have quick access from the dashboard

  • and the "Settings" button - to regulate all settings of the quiz:

Base Settings

When you click on the settings button, you go to Base information first.

Here in the Base settings, we can:

  • publish/unpublish the current quiz,

  • change its name,

  • add the description

  • choose the dates of start/end

  • delete the current course

If we have made changes, click "Update" to apply them.

Setting the Quiz dates

If we want the members to take the quiz within some restricted period, we recommend setting the start and finish dates:

When the time is over, the quiz becomes unavailable for passing.

How to remove a Quiz?

If you want to delete this quiz, please click here in the Base Settings - "Delete permanently" button and the quiz will be removed.

Please note, that once it's removed, you can't restore it:


In the passage, set the difficulty level:

the percentage of passing:

and the number of attempts to pass:

After changes have been made, do not forget to click on "Update".

Adding members

If we want to add/remove members of this quiz we go to the "Settings" - "Member" tab;

Here we can choose from our list of employees who we want to add to the current quiz to pass it:

Adding editors

When we need someone's assistance in creating this quiz, - we can give access to some members and make them editors at menu "Settings" - "Editors" tab;

Choose an employee from the list and click on the "+ Make editor" button to add them:

Quiz's Results

When we've already added the employees to the quiz, we can open it and check the progress of passing; even if no one has completed it yet, we see who has started already and who has completed:

Advice: you can navigate there with a mouse to edit the members of the quiz just from here:

To check the results of employees who have already completed, just click on this tab:

There we see the information when the employee started this quiz, completed it, whether they passed, and the number of points:

If we click on "Open details" we will see what questions were answered correctly and what were false.

You may scroll down to check all the answers of the employee, or you can move with the tabs from left to right to check separately: all correct answers, incorrect and unpassed questions :

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