All employees who are in the company at the moment are displayed here.
If we click on an employee, his card will open on the left, and we can see the information indicated in his profile.
Please note, if the employee doesn't have an account at Amploo yet, and you just create a record for them to be listed in your company without actual account use, their account is in "guest mode" and you are not charged for such employees.
Let's have a closer look at the list of employees:
You see a list of employees, where you can check all users, also there is a search bar, you can start typing and find an account you need:
We can sort the list by Name, Team, Position, Office, Status, Gender, and Marital status,
and add filters and check the list by Team, office, position, gender, status, access, last activity, and fired.
You can combine several filters and check the way you require:
If you use filters to show "fired employees", you also see the date of firing:
On the right side against each account, we see the user's last activity, his local time, location, and other details. All this information is taken from employees' profiles:
Also, you may see some statuses at users' accounts:
Green means the user is active and online now.
Blue means the user is on his time off now or on vacation.