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The structure of the Knowledge Base
The structure of the Knowledge Base
Updated over 3 months ago

Amploo Knowledge Base works as simply as any word processor, you can add many different types of content to a page and modify it how you need.

Content Sharing

You can share the link to view the necessary knowledge base or article with anyone who is outside of your organization as well. Just click on the "Share" button and then on the "Copy link" and send it to the person you need:

In this case, the person can view the content, but there is no access to edit anything.

Locking/unlocking page

Each page can be left open for editing by participants or closed:

Hiding the page

Also, you can make the page hidden or visible for viewing in your Knowledge Base:

Saving the page to "Favourites"

You can mark it as a “Favorite” and it will appear on your dashboard and in the sidebar in the "Favorites" section:

How to edit the page?

To edit the page, click on the top right corner -“Edit page”:

and the editor will open for further editing.

Additional options

Also, each page can be duplicated, and you may check its analytics or delete it:

When you duplicate the page, a copy of it is created in the end of the article's list, but you can move it anywhere by clicking and holding the left mouse button:

If you delete pages, they come into the Trash, you can restore them later or delete them permanently.

As for the page's analytics, please check our article: How to View Knowledge Base Analytics

The Sidebar navigation

Searching the article

There is a Search option that will help you find the right article in your database quickly. Just start typing to find the right one:

Settings and Members

To access the database Settings, just click here:

You can find more useful information in our article The Settings of the Knowledge Base


You may delete some unnecessary articles while editing or working under a database.

All of the removed pages come into the Trash can and there you have options to delete these pages completely or restore them from the Trash:


You can have quick access to the pages you like from this section. Just flag them as favorites and these pages will be here in the "Favorite section":


Here you see the list of all the articles that your Knowledge Base consists of:

Let's have a deeper look at the content's structure and find out how to organize it into sections.

The Content Structure

The Knowledge Base consists of different articles or pages that may include additional sub-articles, sub-pages and so on.

Adding the Page

To create the first article, just click on "Add page" on the left sidebar:

Next, you may enter the title and add some content:

And also, you may add some emoji to make it more attractive and a cover:

How to make a catalog?

Within a single article, you have the option to create related sub-articles that are linked to the main content.

To make a catalog and add content to the already created section, you need to add a page inside:

If the main article contains some sub-pages, a down arrow will appear to indicate them.

When you create such subpages within a main article, the headings will appear automatically on the main page:

Please note, that you can make a related subpage inside of any page or sub-page, and this hierarchy can be as deep as you want:

Quick actions

In front of each article, there is a dots menu, that allows you to:

  • Duplicate any page

  • Disable any page from viewing

  • lock the page from editing

  • Check its analytics

  • Delete any page

The pages' order

The articles or pages appear in the sidebar in the order you create them, but they can be moved to the desired location by clicking and holding the left mouse button.

You can move any page up or down the list or inside an article to create a sub-page similarly.

Commenting the Page

After reading the article or the page, the users can leave some notes or share their opinions by sending comments.

They also can use our text editor and paste there some media files or tag other teammates.


When you need to draw a teammate's attention to your comment you may just tag them and they will get a notification.

To mention a person in a comment, just type @ in a field and choose a teammate related:

Rating the Page

Each page of the Knowledge Base can be rated by the reader. So the employee can vote for you to know if this article was helpful or not:

The Page's Summary

When the editing is done, you may check the page information:

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